Friday 4 November 2022

Silence is not an alibi for accountability!


We live in a world where too often opinions are shaped by the pronouncements of the most radical in our society, whether that comes from the right or the left of the spectrum.  Unfortunately these pronouncements are, more often than not, short on truth but long on volume.  We are wise to remember the words of Daniel Patrick Moynihan who stated years ago ‘…you are entitled to your own opinions.  But you are not entitled to your own facts…’

It concerns me that too many leaders are not engaging in this dialogue.  One does not have to be politically motivated to speak out and challenge the lies and half-truths that are advanced; nor does one need to be adept on social media platforms.  NO, one simply needs to speak out and accept the responsibility that comes with a position of leadership. No forum is too small or too large to advance the truth.  Ultimately your silence is not an alibi for the accountability that comes with your position.

‘Ah’ says the silent one.  ‘I am only trying to be tolerant of others opinions’. 

Well here’s the reality.  The opposite of tolerance is not intolerance.  It is INDIFFERENCE.   If you sat in a bar and watched as someone drank themselves into insobriety you could claim that you were being tolerant of their choices.  But if that same person then left the bar and was involved in a fatal car crash was it due to your tolerance of drinking or your indifference.  When you had the opportunity to make a difference based on the facts…and you chose not to…that’s on YOU!

Leadership demands that we stand for what is right and call out that which is wrong.  You are not doing it because of what it will benefit you in the opinion of others.  Your motivation must be entirely altruistic. 

Too many have for too long simply sat on their hands and chosen not to be counted.  Those who fade to black when given the opportunity to shine are not worthy of the call to lead.

We are at a crossroads where we must be championed by the character of our leaders.  Embracing the MORAL…ETHICAL…and LEGAL priorities upon which we founded our cultures, and which are now most under attack, is the path forward.  Our failure to do so will only lead to the disintegration that is happening now.

Silence is not an alibi for accountability…and truth needs no alibi!

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