Sunday 12 December 2021

Have you got five minutes



Life is a series of interactions. 

Some are personal…some are planned…some are serendipitous

All of these interactions have served to build the reservoir of experience, knowledge and ultimately wisdom that has brought you to this point in your life and career. Clearly some of these interactions have been more special than others.

What if you would take but five minutes to reach out to those who had served you well?  To whom would you want to say ‘…thank you; you made an important contribution to my life…’

I don’t mean family members or others in your close circle.  I’m referring to that coach who prodded you to work harder to develop your skills; that co-worker who offered encouragement during a difficult time; a mentor who came alongside for a period of time; the leader who put trust in your abilities that you could not see in yourself.

We have an aversion to getting too transparent…too vulnerable.  It’s a common and natural self defence mechanism.  Combine that with the immortality that most of us take for granted, and it becomes all too easy to procrastinate.

Right now stop reading this blog and compile of list of the most important people who have built into your life.  Then communicate with each of them in manner that expresses the importance of their influence.

Following through on this suggestion will bless you and them more that you will ever know…and that’s the perfect reason for doing it!

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