Friday, 7 February 2025

Where is your moral outrage?


There is an epidemic running unchecked across North America that no one wants to address.  It is unspoken in proper circles; it is ignored from the pews; people look the other way or shift their eyes if the topic comes up.  It is a plague, and it lies at the root of so much more that is wrong in our society.  Until and unless we take this epidemic seriously, more lives will be shattered, and more despair will be wrought.  The ‘fix’ is simple, but the will to do something is lacking.  We would rather sweep it under the carpet than confront it and call it for what it is.  If you are in a position of leadership, you must say ‘NOT ANY MORE’ 

I am talking about the systemic sexual abuse and rape that pervades our society.  This is primarily, though not exclusively, a crime against women.  That fact alone tells you why it gets so little attention.  Were this a crime against men, all Hell would break loose.  Here are the dirty facts. 

Since 2018, the average number of reported cases of sexual abuse and/or rape in the US is over 550,000 (pandemic years of 2020/21 are excluded).  Given that only about 30% of offenses are ever reported, the actual number is over 1,800.000 incidents per year.  Compare this to the number of abortions – 613,00 – or the number of divorces – 675,000.  Sexual assault is 40% higher than the other two COMBINED. 

That’s why 1 in 5 women will be victims in their lifetime, versus 1 in 33 men. (It’s also why we are closer to a cure for prostate cancer than breast cancer! )  

Men commit 94% of all assaults.  We don’t need to dig too deeply to find our target population that needs re-education... 

Victims of sexual assault frequently suffer from PTSD and other mental health disorders.  Furthermore, they are 10 times more likely to have addiction issues of alcohol or drugs. 

We can be morally opposed to abortion or divorce.  We can take issue with gender identity.  But frankly, these are issues of personal choice that ought to be left to the individual.   


But how much longer will you sit in the back pew, so others don’t see the sin on your face?  How much longer will odd Uncle Bill be allowed to molest the neighborhood kids while rewarding them for silence them with candy.  How much longer will intimate partner violence to tolerated on the basis that ‘’s none of my business...’ or ‘...what did she do to deserve it...’ 

We have 25% of the population walking around emotionally, psychologically and often physically damaged and we don’t hear one politician, one theologian, or one industry leader stepping up to say ‘ENOUGH...THIS EPIDEMIC MUST STOP’ 

My challenge to all leaders is to make this the next big issue.   

See something...say something!   

Know something! 

We can solve so many more issues once we admit to and fix this something! 

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