Leadership is the purview of the few, not the many. Therefore, leadership must be realized and treated as a privilege and not a right. We grant leadership to those whom we have determined best represent the qualities and aspirations that we hold for ourselves; and which we trust will be represented in character and in action by those who hold that position.
It matters not if that role is in academia, religion, business, politics or any other aspect of society. If you have aspired to and ultimately hold that responsibility...and accountability...you have a standard to uphold. Those who choose to not fulfill their duties with integrity will be judged and disciplined in some manner. Perhaps they are fired; perhaps that are deemed unfit and removed by edict; perhaps they are not re-elected. Regardless, there are consequences that will ultimately, though perhaps not timely, be placed upon those leaders. For those whose behavior is particularly egregious, the discipline may be particularly harsh.
However, in many instances, there is a group of supplicants who have enabled the leader. They have witnessed and condoned, or they have been supportive of that leadership conduct which has been so contrary to the legitimate expectations that society holds.
These enablers have different motives for their response. Fear, lack of character, some other ulterior motive of self-aggrandizement, desire to be close to power with the opportunity to influence said power. All of these and more are possible. The actual reason is immaterial. These people had the opportunity...and the responsibility...to speak truth to power, and they failed!
Unfortunately, the consequences of their failure fall much further than on only themselves. All those who were not close enough to see the truth; those who were not in a position to influence the leader; those without a voice; these are the true victims of a leader’s misconduct. Too often, those close to the flame abandon their responsibilities and seek shelter before the inevitable implosion at the top. They leave with their spoils...perhaps even with their reputation intact.
With the opportunity to say something, with the responsibility to do something, you declined. When the fire started you chose to not report it but to fan the flames.
A leader who is out of control should have restraints. But they restraints are only as strong as those willing to hold fast to the truth. Which will you be remembered for? One who abdicated...or one who held fast.
Know this, there is a special place in hell for the former and praise for the latter! If your legacy means anything to you, stand with truth.