Saturday, 1 March 2025

There's a special place in hell!



Leadership is the purview of the few, not the many.  Therefore, leadership must be realized and treated as a privilege and not a right. We grant leadership to those whom we have determined best represent the qualities and aspirations that we hold for ourselves; and which we trust will be represented in character and in action by those who hold that position. 

It matters not if that role is in academia, religion, business, politics or any other aspect of society.  If you have aspired to and ultimately hold that responsibility...and have a standard to uphold.  Those who choose to not fulfill their duties with integrity will be judged and disciplined in some manner.  Perhaps they are fired; perhaps that are deemed unfit and removed by edict; perhaps they are not re-elected.  Regardless, there are consequences that will ultimately, though perhaps not timely, be placed upon those leaders.  For those whose behavior is particularly egregious, the discipline may be particularly harsh. 

However, in many instances, there is a group of supplicants who have enabled the leader. They have witnessed and condoned, or they have been supportive of that leadership conduct which has been so contrary to the legitimate expectations that society holds.   

These enablers have different motives for their response.  Fear, lack of character, some other ulterior motive of self-aggrandizement, desire to be close to power with the opportunity to influence said power.  All of these and more are possible. The actual reason is immaterial.  These people had the opportunity...and the speak truth to power, and they failed!   

Unfortunately, the consequences of their failure fall much further than on only themselves.  All those who were not close enough to see the truth; those who were not in a position to influence the leader; those without a voice; these are the true victims of a leader’s misconduct.  Too often, those close to the flame abandon their responsibilities and seek shelter before the inevitable implosion at the top.  They leave with their spoils...perhaps even with their reputation intact.   

With the opportunity to say something, with the responsibility to do something, you declined. When the fire started you chose to not report it but to fan the flames.  

A leader who is out of control should have restraints. But they restraints are only as strong as those willing to hold fast to the truth.  Which will you be remembered for?  One who abdicated...or one who held fast.   

Know this, there is a special place in hell for the former and praise for the latter! If your legacy means anything to you, stand with truth. 

Friday, 7 February 2025

Where is your moral outrage?


There is an epidemic running unchecked across North America that no one wants to address.  It is unspoken in proper circles; it is ignored from the pews; people look the other way or shift their eyes if the topic comes up.  It is a plague, and it lies at the root of so much more that is wrong in our society.  Until and unless we take this epidemic seriously, more lives will be shattered, and more despair will be wrought.  The ‘fix’ is simple, but the will to do something is lacking.  We would rather sweep it under the carpet than confront it and call it for what it is.  If you are in a position of leadership, you must say ‘NOT ANY MORE’ 

I am talking about the systemic sexual abuse and rape that pervades our society.  This is primarily, though not exclusively, a crime against women.  That fact alone tells you why it gets so little attention.  Were this a crime against men, all Hell would break loose.  Here are the dirty facts. 

Since 2018, the average number of reported cases of sexual abuse and/or rape in the US is over 550,000 (pandemic years of 2020/21 are excluded).  Given that only about 30% of offenses are ever reported, the actual number is over 1,800.000 incidents per year.  Compare this to the number of abortions – 613,00 – or the number of divorces – 675,000.  Sexual assault is 40% higher than the other two COMBINED. 

That’s why 1 in 5 women will be victims in their lifetime, versus 1 in 33 men. (It’s also why we are closer to a cure for prostate cancer than breast cancer! )  

Men commit 94% of all assaults.  We don’t need to dig too deeply to find our target population that needs re-education... 

Victims of sexual assault frequently suffer from PTSD and other mental health disorders.  Furthermore, they are 10 times more likely to have addiction issues of alcohol or drugs. 

We can be morally opposed to abortion or divorce.  We can take issue with gender identity.  But frankly, these are issues of personal choice that ought to be left to the individual.   


But how much longer will you sit in the back pew, so others don’t see the sin on your face?  How much longer will odd Uncle Bill be allowed to molest the neighborhood kids while rewarding them for silence them with candy.  How much longer will intimate partner violence to tolerated on the basis that ‘’s none of my business...’ or ‘...what did she do to deserve it...’ 

We have 25% of the population walking around emotionally, psychologically and often physically damaged and we don’t hear one politician, one theologian, or one industry leader stepping up to say ‘ENOUGH...THIS EPIDEMIC MUST STOP’ 

My challenge to all leaders is to make this the next big issue.   

See something...say something!   

Know something! 

We can solve so many more issues once we admit to and fix this something! 

Saturday, 18 January 2025

Your assistance please.


I have been blogging on issues of leadership for almost 15 years. Many of you have been kind enough to offer encouragement through comments or ‘likes’. That has been enough to continue to research and reflect on issues that I find relevant. 

This time is different. I want to hear about your experiences with poor leadership.  I don’t want names or companies.  Rather, I am looking for the circumstances or the manner in which someone in a position of leadership, directly or indirectly, has failed you and / or those with whom you have worked.


Please be as specific as you can.  What were your expectations?  What was the action or response that you received that let you down?  What was your reaction to this failure. 

You may respond in the comments block.  Or if you prefer anonymity, send me your thoughts directly to 

I intend to compile the results and use them for future blogs as examples that some leaders may not even recognize but need to understand. 

Thanks in advance for your input. 

Friday, 10 January 2025

Why Integrity Matters!


Integrity is the quality of being honest, consistent and uncompromising adhering to strong moral, ethical and legal principles. 

We live in a world where we are challenged, on virtually a daily basis, to uphold the principles of integrity and subsets of trust, truth, incorruptibility, virtue, character, honour, authenticity, humility and transparency.  

Unfortunately, our leaders - in business, politics, government and faith - will disappoint us in some fashion. They will fail to uphold the standards which we should rightly expect. 

Why is this so importantWhy should we demand integrity to be our default position and the standard of conduct by which we measure characterI have five thoughts on the subject. 

1.  We live in a rules-based society.  It works because of the integrity of the participants and their acceptance of the rules. We discipline those who choose not to participate.  We look to our leaders to validate the standards by their words and deeds.  When they do not lead with integrity and choose to ignore the rules that apply to all, society is weakened. 

2.  We live in an honour-based society.  We expect others to conduct themselves in a manner which respects the common norms, even when no one is watching...or when they think that no one is watching.  

‘ like no one is watching; but behave like everyone is...’ 

3.  We live in a society that demands trust. We stop at red lights and stop signs. We deposit money in banks with the expectation that it will be there when we ask for it.  There is a myriad of examples that anyone could cite.  We trust because it works; not perfectly, but it is far better than the alternative.  However, when trust is broken, especially by those in leadership, or when it is done repeatedly, our trust is shaken and our hopes are broken.  That is not the society that we want for ourselves and for our fellow citizens.  Trust is replaced by fear, and fear is a defensive response that benefits no one. We shelter and defend rather than participate. 

4.  John Wooden, a great man of integrity in college basketball stated this. “...reputation is what others think of you; character is what you really are...”.  We look to our leaders to be people of great and strong character.  You can argue that we should not look to others for example or inspiration, but we do.  It’s human nature.  So, if you choose to lead, choose also to lead with integrity. 

5.  Finally, we want a society that is incorruptible. We should not have to be concerned that there will be circumstances in which our leaders are influenced to misbehave because of money, power or opportunity.  We need them to be good... consistently and without exception.  That is integrity. 


Why does integrity matter?  Because we have established a society that demands and expects it; a society that needs it to function.  

And because it is right!