Wednesday, 6 September 2023

As a leader, this makes all the difference.!


I have written frequently that in my economy, leadership is all about character. If you fail to have a moral, ethical and legal compass that aligns with truth and integrity, you can never expect to legitimately lead others. They will see right through the façade that you cannot be trusted, and they will never become fully engaged because the environment is too risky. 

That said, too many people with a worthy character come up short of the mark and lose their ‘audience’ because of one fault. These leaders forget, or worse yet, they ignore, the fundamental equation of effective leadership.  

This equation says that ‘...with authority comes responsibility...’ That part is easy to accept. But the equation concludes with the statement that ‘...with responsibility comes accountability...’ 

Among today’s leaders, in all aspects of society, leaders are all too willing to accept acclaim but not criticism. When things are going well, they are anxious to receive recognition. But when expectations are not met, it’s someone else’s fault. We see it in government, in places of worship, in business, in academia, in media and in sports. This reluctance to accept the negative consequences of one’s decisions, actions and behavior disqualifies the individual from the ranks of great leaders. 

The curious thing about these actions is this. When a leader steps forward to accept accountability, we are, more often than not, willing to extend a forgiving hand and offer second chances. We WANT leaders to lead, to succeed, and to live up to our expectations. We do not knowingly sign on to support failure! 

Humility is often a more enduring characteristic than we recognize. As you lead, remember that acknowledging your faults is just as important as promoting your strengths.