Tuesday, 22 August 2023

It must start with you!


A sad reality exists in our society, and it is only worsening. And unless and until we each take some responsibility, we will have no one to blame for it but ourselves. 

I refer to the lack of dignity and grace with which we treat others who do not share our beliefs, our perspectives, our opinions or our values. It seems to me that we seek to focus on that which divides us rather than on that which unites us and in so doing we drive ourselves into smaller and smaller ideological camps which ultimately become dark holes from which we find no escape. We surround ourselves with like people who only reinforce our views to the exclusion of all contrary thought. 

Individualism can be a hallmark of a healthy society. But when we exercise that individualism in a manner which excludes consideration of other’s views, we no longer have a functional society. The fact of the matter is that society only truly functions well when we can compromise by considering others and finding common ground. The extremism that defines us now only serves to highlight that which separates us and that means that compromise becomes increasingly difficult and therefore nothing of substance gets done. 

As a leader, what can you do to bring dignity and grace to your workplace? Here are a few suggestions. 

  1. Lead by example. Be seen and heard treating, addressing and interacting with all employees, at all times, in the manner in which you would expect to be treated. 

  1. Ensure that company policies are based on the broadest interpretation possible of legal, moral and ethical principles. 

  1. Insist that opinions are based on facts and not on feelings. 

  1. Require that differences are resolved by mutual respect of other’s position on matters but not in violation of accepted legal, moral and ethical standards. 

  1. Where and when possible, hire a diverse group of employees whose input naturally contributes to a wide range of attitudes, opinions and experiences. 

This is not an exhaustive list...it is a start. Change in our society will not happen overnight. Just as it took decades to reach the stalemate that embraces us now, time is needed to redefine our conversations. But the workplace is a logical and convenient place to begin the transformation that we need. 

The workplace already has more of the cultural diversity that this matter requires, and it embraces more civility and grace because of the norms that define a functional environment. We need to take that civility we have developed in our interpersonal relationships at work and extend them to the general public with whom we interact daily. Our relationships at home are not an ideal model because they are based on a measure of love and forgiveness that is not workable in the broader world (though it’s a nice thought...) 

Your leadership is imperative if we are to regain our balance in society. Are you up to the challenge?