Friday, 14 July 2023

Who do you want to be?



As we develop our character we often look to others as examples or models of what we aspire to be. We see traits and habits that appeal to our own sense of moral or ethical behavior, and we choose to build these tendencies into our own conduct. It is not a case of mimicking or imitating. Rather you seek to critique, personalize and incorporate. 

We come to view these people as a touchstone or NorthStar to be referenced when we feel our internal compass beginning to drift. As a leader, it is good to have such a mentor...someone who helps to keep you- or to get you back- on track. 

Adopting our aspirations in this manner does not come without risks. 

Let’s be clear. You cannot be someone you are not. It is all well and good to look to role models but be cautious because you may not see the real person. Rather, you see their reputation. You see what they want you to see and believe.  

 “...reputation is what others think about you; character is what you really are...” 

Regardless of where you look - business, politics, religion, academia, entertainment, judicial system - we are routinely let down by individuals whom we have elevated in stature. Unfortunately, we are reminded that beauty is only skin deep. 

You can only be you. By working to be the best you can be through the decisions you make every day, is the best way to build your character. It is a process that gets refined over time, often because of a crisis you have endured. But keep at it. You don’t know who you are influencing and who is modeling your behavior. Besides, you may be surprised by how good your best really is!