Sunday, 27 February 2022

Leadership 101

For over a decade I have commented that the most important quality in a leader is their character.  This overrides any outstanding virtue associated with competencies.  And while it is obviously best to have a strong mixture of both, the absence of character is far more devastating to success than an absence of competence.

This week we are seeing that played out in real time in the conflict raging in Ukraine.

President Zelenski entered office in 2019 with no prior experience on the political stage.  Apart from playing the role of President in a Ukrainian TV comedy, his background is devoid of any political experience.

In contrast, Russia’s Putin has been on the political stage for almost 30 years.  He served in municipal roles prior to ascending to the big stage almost 20 years ago.  During this time he has honed his political skills.  But he has sacrificed any notion of character in a single minded pursuit of power.

In the David versus Goliath conflict that we are witnesses to, the Ukrainian citizens have rallied behind a leader who declared ‘…give me weapons, not an escape plan…’ His courage and faith in the resolve of his people is inspiring support around the world.  How long it will last remains uncertain but his legacy is being built every hour.

In Russia, thousands are facing arrest and imprisonment by demonstrating against Putin.  Members of his own cabinet are opposed to his actions and the world’s condemnation is coming from all corners.  His legacy is being torn down minute by minute.

It has been said that everything works out in the end.  If it has not yet worked out, then it is not the end.  CHARACTER WILL ALWAYS WIN IN THE END. Let us celebrate in advance the victory that will come…when the end has been written.

Sunday, 6 February 2022

Rights and Freedoms


As demonstrations across Canada continue against the imposition of mandates-federal and provincial-in relation to efforts to control the spread of the Covid 19 virus, a minority of the population have come to the conclusion that their rights and freedoms have been usurped. 

This is not correct.

The opening paragraph of the Charter of Rights and Freedoms states:

          “...The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms guarantees the rights and freedoms set out in it subject only to such reasonable limits prescribed by law as can be demonstrably justified in a free and democratic society….”

The pandemic is a crisis unlike any we have seen in a century.  In Canada, millions have been infected; tens of thousands have died; and untold numbers have or will experience long lasting complications from their experience with the virus. 

It has been the responsibility of our elected officials at all levels of government to enact measures that, in their collective wisdom, provide the greatest protection for ALL.  Some may disagree with the decisions that have been taken, but many, many more would be upset had the government not taken steps to curb the impact on society from the consequences of inaction.

Regardless of which side of the coin you find yourself, we all must remember this.  Rights and freedoms come with a concurrent task; that is responsible behaviour. In a democratic society, our freedoms call us exercise those rights and freedoms without impeding the rights and freedoms of others. Demonstrate if you will, but in a manner which befits the privileges that you have and that you would want another to extend to you.

To those who disagree, speak loudly…with your vote.