Tuesday, 30 November 2021

Are You Honest with the Mirror?


It’s no secret that I believe that character trumps competency when it comes to leadership. From setting standards and expectations, to guiding and supporting and acknowledging others, it falls upon the leader to lead by example.

The first task of each day must therefore start with a personal challenge.  Are you being honest with the mirror?  Does the image that you reflect honestly reflect the person you really are?  Or is it a mirage, a picture of what you hope others see but which you know is not true?

No one sees a perfect image.  You see the warts that others cannot. 

But if all you do is camouflage the blemishes without committing to change them, the mirror will always expose you.  And it is only a matter of time before others see them too.

As the leader, you must be as fully devoted to the standards – legal, ethical and moral – as those whom you lead. The least bit of hypocrisy will undermine your efforts regardless of your best efforts of denial.

Conquer the challenge the mirror presents.  In time that mirror will smile back at you!