Saturday, 18 September 2021

Definitions for a Post Covid World


Anonymous:  What we call ‘sources’ who espouse rhetoric and theories based on information gleaned from old issues of ‘Popular Mechanics’ or ‘Field and Steam’ magazines.

Border: An internationally recognized designation between countries that allows you to keep out anyone who does not look, act, speak or worship like you.  Unfortunately it also keeps in all those who look, act, speak or worship like you.

Coward: What a bully calls someone who exercises better discretion than to deliberately put oneself at risk of personal harm for the sole purpose of assuaging one’s ego.

Discriminate: The act of prejudging a person or group of people before you know them because of an irrational fear that in knowing them you might actually like them.

Elitist: What we call someone who holds contrary opinions to ourselves and makes us uncomfortable because they can honestly and sincerely defend those opinions.

Facts: The evidence drawn from the close examination of specific events… or whatever comes to mind to defend your indefensible conclusion.

Gender: This is a word that no longer seems to hold any meaning…unless, of course, it is used by someone defending their right to not have a gender in which case the word is genderless.

Hope:  The often irrational basis upon which we choose to anticipate that the current state of affairs in our world will improve.

Insurrection: An act of civil disobedience conducted by a group who cannot spell the word… (many actually thought that it meant having relations with a relative)

Journalism: An element of the media that attempts to provide an unbiased, researched and truthful presentation of facts related to events of interest of their audience.  By definition this excludes companies such as Breitbart, Fox and Sinclair News.

Kowtow:  Originating from the Chinese act of showing excessive deference to an individual by deeply bowing and kissing the ground they walk on.  Characterized today by right wing individuals paying respect to autocrats seeking undemocratic allegiance.

Lobby: The art of influencing the outcome of a particular issue when the facts and logic do not support such an outcome.

Manipulate:  See ‘lobby’

Narcissist: An extremely self centered person who has an exaggerated sense of self- importance. Derived from the Greek word for old and delusional blond haired, orange faced citizens living on the island of Narci.

Open Carry:  A law whereby an individual may have on their person, in public, a firearm.  It also serves to answer the question ‘…is there intelligent life in the USA…’

Prison:  The solution that too many nations have in response to conscientious objectors, homelessness and societal inequities.

QAnon: The answer to several questions including:

1.    Is there too much lead in the US drinking water?

2.    Are too many people living off of the lint found in their belly button and the jam found between their toes?

3.    Is stupidity contagious or simply hereditary?

4.    What do you get when you combine alcohol, drugs and grade school education?

Reason:  Formerly the use of considered opinions to debate civil disagreement between opposing opinions.  Now generally prefaced by the words ‘absence of’ as parties harden their opinions and refuse rational dialogue.

Secure:  The sense one feels when sleeping inside a home with a gun under your pillow, an alarm system and surveillance cameras, inside a gated community, with armed personnel on guard.

Truth: As Lily Tomlin so eloquently stated it, seems to be ‘…nothing more than a collective hunch…’

Untruths: Lies…and what has become known as ‘alternate facts’.

Vaccination:  An injection that prompts the body to produce natural protection against certain viruses. Unfortunately there is no vaccine against stupidity, a fact attested to by the number of anti-vaxers amongst us.

Wisdom:  Historically defined as the combination of knowledge and experience.  Now found mostly in books hidden in libraries and covered with dust. Please refer to Wikipedia for the definition of library.

X:  The signature of most conspiracy theorists and the reason that they do not support mail in ballots…it’s just too easy to forge.

YouTube: The vehicle by which some post irrational and delusional conspiracy theories which provoke and incite millions to irrational and delusional conclusions.  It ultimately does so without consequence to the ‘poster’ but with grave consequence to the reader. See QAnon.

Zealot: One who is uncompromisingly enthusiastic in support of a specific cause.  Also an apt description of an NRA member.