I recently renewed my passport. When I was asked how long of a renewal I
wanted – 5 or 10 years – the agent told me that the oldest person who opted for
the 10 year renewal was 99 years old. It
struck me that the applicant must have had an optimistic view of life.
On the one hand, he was still alive and functioning
at 99. On the other hand, he was confident
that he was still be fit enough to travel. Furthermore, his optimism was such
that he expected to stay in this shape for a minimum of another 10 years. I was impressed on all three counts.
I know many people 30 years younger than that who
won’t buy an extended warranty for fear that they will not outlive the basic
guarantee. Some won’t buy green bananas!
Attitude, you see, has much to do with your outlook
on life.
And it applies equally, if not more so, to the way
in which you lead.
Your optimism, grounded in realism, rubs off on all
within your sphere of influence. Even if
the prospects are bleak, you have a responsibility to find the positive and to
build from there.
Without hope you have little likelihood of
success. And you certainly cannot
motivate others to higher levels of achievement.
As we approach 2018 we can be certain that some
challenges lie ahead. That is the nature
of life as it is the nature of business.
Make the decision NOW that your response will always be one of optimism;
accepting these challenges as a test of your initiative, your ingenuity and your
skills as a leader.
You don’t want to be a Pollyanna and deny
reality. But the positive attitude that
you take in your approach will make success much more likely.
My very best to you and yours for a success in the
New Year!