From time to time I reflect on my career, its
successes and failures, and I am reminded of all the people whose support,
wisdom, counsel and example have helped to shape the type of person and leader
that I became. The truth of the matter
is that regardless of our personality; regardless of our intellectual
capabilities; regardless of our good fortune; regardless of our merit, none of
us has come to the role that we currently hold without an abundance of
influence from others.
Sometimes it was the example of a superior. Other times it was the encouragement of a
peer. And at other times it was the
efforts of our direct reports. We can
look back and see how every contact was important in some way and has sculpted
us. Even when that point of contact was
difficult, learning to persevere and grow meant that the contact had purpose.
Viewed through this lens, those in leadership ought
to have an expression of thanks and appreciation towards others…an attitude of
To that end I encourage you to reach out and
genuinely thank those who have made your journey more successful; your load
lighter; and your experiences more pleasant.
Take the time to write a ‘eulogy for the living’ and express some
thoughts that you might have been holding back.
Consider what you would want to say at their
funeral. How this word or that example
impacted your future behaviour. How a
kindness paid forward changed an attitude or opened your mind to new
Expressing appreciation is good for both the giver
and the recipient. For the giver, it
helps to keep you grounded and focused.
The recipient is strengthened through gratitude and encouraged to continue
building into others.
I confess that I am preaching to myself and that I
have not followed this advice as frequently as I have cause to do. But know that I will take some time – not in
a broadcast email – to address this oversight.
Leaders are the beneficiaries of others efforts,
input and opinions. Make sure that they
know how much you appreciate the contributions that were made to your success.